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NFT Entertainment Brand on Hedera! Loco Lizardz and King Solomon - Hedera Corner (Part 2)

Article by

Loco Lizardz

This interview was originally published by Genfinity.

King Solomon interviews Loco Lizardz as part of the Hedera Corner in the LightHouse by Genfinity! Brought to you by LightHouse Report sponsor Hedera Hashgraph and in collaboration with our partner and Hedera wallet provider HashPack.


Loco Lizardz – Chief – Founder & CEO
For the airdrops we are looking at collaborating with music. For these will be music and art air drops for some of our holders. We also have events that will be going off, obviously, and partnered events in Ibiza next year that people will have free access to. But really, we are, you know, we as we build this out, there are different ways to reward your holders. We are not planning on doing the tokenization at this point. We are more brand driven. I feel like we have this opportunity to create a brand within the electronic music and partying scene that hasn't been done before. I want it to be a collectible in itself, as well as having those opportunities to have film review holders and then be able to get customs or certain things like that. But we're very, very much brand driven.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
And I mean, as far as touching on collaborations, which kind of leads into milestones, achievements aspects, I know that you guys have the partnership through the relationship with the Ibiza Bible. It looks like you guys have something going on with there's another project, Royal Clubbers, out there. Touch base on the collaborations and partnerships that you guys have worked through so far from the project standpoint.

Loco Lizardz – Chief – Founder & CEO
Yeah, so Royal Club is a really cool project that's going to be minting on Hedera soon. They are a project that is founded by celebrities and musicians, basically, who are fairly well known within the electronic music industry. Riktor, who is one of the people who's been integral to Loco Lizardz to start, is also helping to advise Royal Clubbers and was actually with Clubbers before I met him and brought him to Loco Lizardz. So, he's been in the two projects for quite a while. When they were looking at which chain to go on, we kind of said, "Look, look at Hedera. It's an amazing ecosystem. Come over here." And they've seen that it's amazing, so they're coming over now. They bring a lot of brand power in terms of who they are, and so going forward, we will work very closely with them. And we're coming from a different angle, but there is a lot of synergy between the two, so that's really exciting. And I know they've established a partnership with Tune FM as well, so that's going to be exciting to see.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
Yeah, I did see that as well today. The Tune FM stuff is really cool, the tokenization, the music aspects built on Hedera. Talking about the future of your project, you mentioned kind of that May time frame where everything really starts to pick up. Can you give us maybe a snapshot of some of the initiatives, maybe drop some, I don't know if you have any alpha to drop? Like, what do you consider would be coming, like, you know, after the New Year into kind of the springtime frame, whenever? Yeah, the partnership aspect should hopefully take off, you know, because of the engagement in that scene.

Loco Lizardz – Chief – Founder & CEO
So, at the moment, the Ibiza Bible has been posting some videos, some general content that they would normally post, which has been sponsored by Loco Lizards through the partnership that we've established. Now, I think, and I'm going to be starting to share this with the community, but I think we are going to be approaching half a million views or half a million eyes that have seen the Loco Lizards brand already on their sponsored content. So, we are reaching eyes that will subliminally, we've been seeing this content already. Now, what we start doing is pumping our own content out. The Ibiza Bible continues to pump out content across their platforms as well, and a lot of people will become familiar with the brand and with Loca Lizards. Going into December and January, we want to start establishing our own platforms and getting our own content out on our own platforms, posting good content that's edited well once or twice daily. My hope is that by May, we will have hundreds of pieces of content on multiple platforms, so people will find us and see thatwe are solidifying ourselves on Hedera and web3 and we are doing what we say we're going to do. The goal is then to send multiple creators to multiple islands in Europe in May. This will allow us to have people creating content in Ibiza and people creating content in other locations, building a massive amount of content and branding. We will continue to grow and bring out podcasts alongside our content, always adapting to different things to keep people engaged and interested.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
I always ask about team size and network size so where are you guys at now and then you you kind of briefly touched on sending you know hopefully or reaching out and working with you know different individuals across different countries. Like where where do you consider yourself wanting to be you know in let's say the next handful of months with how many contributors you have you know to help build out the brand aspects?

Loco Lizardz – Chief – Founder & CEO
Yeah so I think we're going to be we're going to be good for where we want to be in the coming months. Obviously as we approach the summer and we will have a drive on bringing in more creators to help us kind of get the brand out even further which is obviously with the more content we've got with a new another editor as well, to help edit that content because it's a lot of work, you know, it's very very time consuming in the organization of it is time consuming so at the minute we're kind of in that building phase so that what my hope is and this is going to happen is once we start putting it out it will not stop. So I don't want it to be like put it out one day, stop for a few days, and then it stops this is why it's taking us a little bit of time to kind of start it really, because it's going to be an it's just going to be an engine it keeps turning.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
Yeah no I really appreciate it Chief and again thank you so much for your time. So do you have any links that you'd like to drive people towards as far as you know people that are watching this that may not have known about Loca Lizards is that the Twitter, is it the Discord is the site maybe touch base on like where you would like people to come to learn as much about the project as possible.

Loco Lizardz – Chief – Founder & CEO
Yeah I think your Discord is always the best place to go you know it's where your community is it's for your information is obviously Twitter is like your shop front I guess, but Discord is you know, where it's at. When obviously as the time goes on we build these web 2 Brands out we will be trying to bring them to Discord and build in that Community because that's where you eventually all your strength comes from. So yeah go check out the Discord obviously check out the Twitter as well um and if you like what you see then obviously go to Zuse the get your Loca Lizardz.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
Well thank you so much Chief I appreciate your time this morning and definitely look forward to talking again in the near future.

Loco Lizardz – Chief – Founder & CEO
Yeah thank you for having me.

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