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HelloFutureBuzz Twitter Spaces - Hedera Staking & Community Nodes

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During this Twitter Spaces hosted by HelloFutureBuzz, Stader Labs, the HBAR Bull, and HashPack Wallet, we dove deep into the new opportunities of DeFi in the Hedera ecosystem and community nodes.

With a focus on both the liquid staking provided by Stader Labs and Hedera Native Staking we discussed the opportunities DeFi bring to the HBAR economy and how it is used to secure the network.

In addition, we looked at the timeline of community nodes and the potential of making the Hedera network even more decentralized.


HBAR Bull – Brandon
Hello, welcome back. You guys are doing a great job.

Stader Labs
Thank you, sir. Thank you and thanks to you and the community support.

HBAR Bull – Brandon
The one thing that's impressed me a lot with you guys is your marketing team. They do a fantastic job with all the great graphics and, you know, all the stuff, not just supporting your project of course, but you know, the entire Hedera ecosystem.

Stader Labs
Well, thanks for that, Brandon. And, uh, yeah, it's very true. Uh, I mean, we have grown only because of the community, right? So, uh, seeing the TVL right now, seeing the consistency right now through three versions, uh, and through six months without the support of the community, this just isn't possible. And, and talking about even if we go for partnerships, people are more than welcoming to help. People like Patches is always there to help us out enter into the NFT system, and you know, you have always been there to help us out, kind of get the word out whenever we are releasing anything new. Of course, Elizabeth is a beacon to go to, uh, whenever you want to announce something to the community. So it's always been more of a community-driven thing for us. And the least we can do is just highlight other projects as well, uh, and support them however we can.

HBAR Bull – Brandon
We're all pulling in the same direction. Elizabeth, I'm so sorry, I'm hijacking your Twitter space. I'll let you go.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
Brandon, you go right ahead.

HBAR Bull – Brandon
No, I mean it's amazing the collaboration that takes place in the space, and you know Stader’s obviously at the center of that, and all of the other teams that are working in the Hbar economy. I know everything's kind of linked, but you know, the Hbar economy in our DEFI space has just been doing a tremendous job. I use it every day, literally every day, playing around with this stuff. Um, and you know, proof of concept, you know, I know this is this is functional, but you know, we are kind of in the proof of concept phase to show you know the rest of the traditional financial space, you know, what's possible with this DLT technology.

HashPack Wallet – Marc Ugas – Director of Operations
I mean, hello everyone, um, this is Marc from the HashPack team. I mean, I think that we're just you know getting started. I mean, everyone kind of says that, but like, that's really what's, what's that's the truth, right? I mean, we're only scratching the surface in that whole thing. So I'm really excited for you know for everything that's happened in 2023, um, and I for 2022, sorry, and uh, was really gonna be happening in 2023. I mean internally we're working a lot of things, and I think that 2023 is, yeah, I'm really excited, and that's all I have to say.

HBAR Bull – Brandon
I think you know retail DEFI is certainly here to stay, uh, you know, there could be some regulatory hurdles, all that kind of stuff, but you know, it is here to stay. But then you start to see the things that digital commodities exchange is doing and what Toko is doing and what Aberdeen wants to do and what BlackRock wants to do, you know, there's so much, the sky is the limit.

HashPack Wallet – Marc Ugas – Director of Operations
Totally, and I mean the DEFI space, I feel like you know, with everything that's happened in 2023, if anything in 2022, if anything we've learned from it, um, is that DEFI is here to stay, um, it's robust I mean, we've seen over the past, you know, month, month and a half, uh, with all the events that have happened, that our DEFI space is, you know, stronger than ever. Um, so, so it's really a testament to what, to what everyone here is building. Stader, obviously, Saucer, all the other DEXes, and really excited for, for new things to come in the future. And, but yeah, I know DEFI is definitely something that's for, for traditional retailers. It's super appealing, right? Um, when, when I talk to people that are new to web3 or that come from the financial services, they, they're just you know, their head just blown, did you just blow their heads off because it's completely different, right? Like you skip so many steps, so many inefficiencies, and it's truly, I mean, I'm super excited for 2023, and to see what really comes from it.

HBAR Bull – Brandon
Yeah, exciting for sure, and it touches so many aspects of our different ecosystem, whether it's um, you know, Calaxy or Jam out there or Karate token which is coming from Karate Combat, you know, there's, it just touches all parts of the entire ecosystem, anybody who issues a token, and of course, uh, Hedera Starter is a huge part of that, um, they're doing a fantastic job, and I think we're going to see a lot more of them coming out, their services are certainly needed in the space.

HashPack Wallet – Marc Ugas – Director of Operations
Yeah, I mean, 100, I mean, we've seen so much evolution just in this 2022, I mean, just yesterday, I was actually setting up Twitter spaces for next week to kind of digest and look back and, you know, um, kind of reflect on everything that has happened in the Hedera ecosystem over the past 12 months, and it's truly incredible. I mean, we started the year, I mean, yeah, like literally 14 months ago, I mean, HashPack wasn't even a thing, and now, you know, we're the leading wallet in in the ecosystem, and I feel like it's everyone has been working so incredibly hard, everyone here, um, and all of the different projects that are, you know, that are not here, but like are also building in the space, it's truly incredible, and also one of the great things that I'm seeing is this collaboration aspect, how everyone's willing to, you know, give a hand and just help each other out, because at the end of the day, I don't think that there's one right solution for a problem. I think that there's many different ones, and I think that getting everyone's input and really just engaging in this collaboration, I think it's what really sets Hedera apart from other DLTs and blockchains and so on.

HBAR Bull – Brandon
Yeah, there's no question the wide ecosystem we have is fantastic. It's interesting because early on, when I was in the space, you know, I think there was a big push to get wallets that were cross-chain, which are certainly important, but you know, Xact and Bread and Exodus and all those other wallets, but the ones that have come out that have really, uh, shown their stuff and been used more in the community is HashPack and Blade and Walla Wallet, these native wallets. So you know, there's certainly a place for both, but you guys have really shown your true colors of what you bring to the ecosystem, there's no question about that.

HashPack Wallet – Marc Ugas – Director of Operations
Yeah, 100%. I mean, I think that, um, that's a very good point. I mean, I think that, for us, our priority is always, and I think that, I don't know who's behind the Stader main account, but our priorities always to kind of listen to the community, hear what they're saying. I mean, you know, I mean, I'm sure many of you guys are aware, but like the whole like NFT gallery, that wasn't even something that we had thought about. Like we were not prioritizing, and then Tyler, our CTO, just sat down one day and decided to do it over the weekend, and then that kind of, I'd like to believe, that kind of sparked the whole kind of NFT ecosystem, and then obviously Secure Trade. And I think that one of the great things about, you know, focusing on there is that we can really leverage the whole suite at its max. I mean, obviously, I mean, this is kind of a staking, Twitter spaces, but I mean, just over the past couple of months, with staking going live and the native staking, I mean, we've seen such great numbers, the community is super excited to participate on it, the risk is so low, if not, you know, minimal, um, and it's just a great thing for people to engage and you know start dabbling in with DEFI, so, so yeah, I mean, I think that the whole, um, you know, being almost like exclusively in Hedera, it's obviously a massive, it's a totally massive, because at the end of the day, we have very strong roots with the community, and we are always listening and you know trying to figure out what the community really needs, because, like I said, I don't think that there's one right solution, and we are a small team, but I loved one thing that Mazin from Cyber Hedera said on one of the interviews that we put out the other day, that you know, it's like you know, we're a small team, but really, um, everyone in the community is part of the team, because you know, the community is really one on the one side, they're keeping us accountable, and they're also asking for the things that really need to be built, because we can't be on every single conversation and every single Twitter space to figure it out, so when community members reach out and say, 'Hey, this is something that will be interesting,' it's definitely something that we listen to, really, you know, take into account when we sit down and decide where we're going.

HBAR Bull – Brandon
Yeah, makes perfect sense. Um, Elizabeth, I don't know if you want to jump in here at any time. You can certainly jump in and uh and take over. I'm sure you have an outline of what you want to go over, but you know, I get these guys up here and I just want to chat it up.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
Um, well actually, Lance has uh very interest in the staking of Hedera, so maybe you have something Lance, you want to contribute to the conversation?

Community Member - Lance
Um, you know what, the title of this has 'Community nodes,' and I think that's going to be exciting and kind of see where that goes as we kind of continue down that uh path to decentralization that Leemon's laid out for us. So, really looking forward to seeing what those first community nodes will be, and when we see those. I've been really hoping that sometime in 2023, um, I think it'll open up some great opportunities for projects to um, you know, really bring their audience, their community together, um, and start uh profiting together as they you know stake their coins and uh stake to um the project and a node that is trusted by the community and represents the community. I mean it's really cool that we're staking to council nodes and obviously we all trust the council and they were very well curated, but um, you know, just looking at the title here, that's the one thing that I'm really looking forward to and hoping for that to be this year.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
You know, I am too, and um, when we were in uh Texas at uh Hedera, I was talking with Mance about that, and although he didn't tell me uh, he didn't give me a timeline on when that's going to happen, when I said 2023, he kind of like, I caught a little sparkle in his eye, um, he wasn't going to tell me of course, but um, I really think that it's on the road map, and I was telling him that I think it's going to give a really um, you know, when you look at your home that you own, or a car, or something, you know, that you like that you purchased, and you get a sense of ownership from that, and I was telling him the whole thing about network effects, which you know is basically that without the community, the project doesn't exist, and that's what Stader was saying. And without the project, the community, I mean, it's a balancing act, both are needed, and um, we talked about network effects with Mance and Leemon, and um, I think that when I when I was saying is that a community node will give a real sense of ownership to the community, and they'll look at that community node and go, you know, take a sense of pride in that.

Community Member - Lance
Absolutely, yeah, and it shows from the council's perspective, um, a sense of trust in the community as well. I watched a video with Mance, and I can't tell you which one it was or where I found it, but he was talking about kind of an analysis that was done on all the different crypto communities, and how Hedera was such an outlier in terms of loyalty, and I think that's really great. And I think that, you know, finally getting around to just staking in general, like native staking for rewarding that community, the community that's really supported you know, all these efforts over the long haul, is fantastic. So, I think you know, the next step is beyond just having those staking opportunities is trusting the community to run those nodes and have additional, you know, opportunities to generate income, and looking forward to seeing that happen. Um, and I think it's just great that that report kind of showed what I, I it kind of expected is that this is a very very loyal community, a very well educated and non-fickle community, and I think that's pretty neat to see that come out in the data, especially from uh, you know, from a impartial third party like that.

HashPack Wallet – Marc Ugas – Director of Operations
Oh, yeah, no, so I just wanted to add a little bit into that because like, I mean, for me, it's obviously, I mean, I've been I've been waiting for this community nodes for, I don't even know how long, and it's really exciting because um, I don't know if it was you, Lance or Elizabeth, that you mentioned the whole you know, getting that side of ownership, um, um, off the network, right? I mean, I think that that's gonna really further incentivize people to get into the network and engage with it. I mean, I feel like, in terms of like development with the whole HIP process that's already set in place, that's massive because I mean just the other day we actually shared an article of the what was it, HIP 412, in terms of the standard of the NFT metadata, and that's really the community working and you know, adding value to the network as a whole and pushing things forward that are necessary for people to build their projects. And I think that you know, this is just another step into that that decentralization plan, and yeah, really really excited, and really excited to see also the way that projects leverage it and included in, and so on.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
Well, I think the work that, you know, uh, we have a working group on DOAs that Patches, and Brandon, um, it's Brandon is it is or involved with, and um, in that work, it's the community coming together to set standards, and then we didn't, we have a Patches, didn't we do a HIP for them?

TurtleMoon Tools – Patches - Founder
I HIP for the DOA standards.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
Yeah, didn't we do something.

TurtleMoon Tools – Patches - Founder
Yeah, um, yes.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
Point being that you know, the community development is what's necessary for Hedera to go forward.

TurtleMoon Tools – Patches - Founder
A little aside um, a total H-bar raised so far is a 121,756 hbar.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
Wow, that's amazing, and what auction are we on now, third?

TurtleMoon Tools – Patches - Founder
We were on the fourth, um, round, there's some there's still some uh, NFTs in all of the rounds that aren't sold out, so be sure to go through all the pages. Each of the pages are rounds, so they're in time segments, so if you go to fifth page, none of those started yet, um, but yeah, it's it's going fairly well, and I'm about to throw up in the um, where it says associate token, we're going to start putting the total of uh, sales up there, so everyone can see on the website as it goes up.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
Oh, that's awesome. Right? You're doing such a good job on that. Thank you so much, Patches. Um, but you know, you know, Brandon maybe you want to get in on this. It's Brandon. Just in terms of um, I mean one of the things I was stressing, because that's my thing, is community with Mance and Leemon was, you know, and I think that's what my whole impetus was in doing all these spaces today, is to get the people from the H-Bar Foundation, like Alex Russman came and Elaine Song and Jennifer Kim, and yeah, it's not always easy for them to understand all the projects or what the community is doing, but I did express to Mance and Leemon the talent that is in this community and how smart everyone is, and the builders that are building within the community need to be seen, and uh, and I do believe that um, they heard what I said, and that that will be a more engaging uh opportunity in 2023 for them, they understand the importance of that.

Pixel Rug – Brandon - Founder
Yeah, and for me, on the topic of community nodes and stuff like that and H-Bar staking, I have a bit of a hypothesis, um, and I mean the ways in which people stake H-Bar is pretty incredible on this network in comparison to other networks, just you know, not literally staking your H-Bar, but staking your account, and the fact that there's zero risk and like all these different types of things, it's a unique implementation, and it's great, um, but I think that my hypothesis is, when we look at the nodes that you can stake to right now, right, being governing council nodes, when they introduce permission nodes and kind of like these community nodes, um, for example, um, if there's a well, I won't say anyone in particular because I don't know who's working on a node, um, but if there's a well-known brand in Hedera that's a community project, right, like a DEX or a wallet or an NFT project or whatever it is, um, and maybe let's say there's multiple ones, and we've and the network reaches a level of maturity where those projects can have their own node that the community can stake to, again, my hypothesis is that the amount of H-Bar that would be staked to those nodes, just because of the brand recognition and connection with the community, I think could shock the governing council and the community because right now, I think that people are staking to governing council nodes because it's really the only ones that we have, but if you are given a choice to stake on a node for IBM or your favorite NFT project that arguably would have a much bigger brand presence and audience in the Hedera community, uh, we, I could say that we may see some surprising statistics when it comes to community nodes and staking that that may catch people off guard and really show how powerful the community is because what it really comes down to is numbers, and we can try to explain to people outside of the kind of day-to-day NFT, DEFI community, kind of stuff, to the enterprise folks, but when it really, when rubber meets the road, every single time, community-driven initiatives, um, meet the band and really, I think delight a lot of people. So I think that when we start to see community nodes come online from some really recognizable and beloved projects that are community-focused, I think we could be surprised by the amount of hbar staked to those nodes, and I wouldn't be surprised if you know, amount of hbar staked to one of those nodes could maybe surpass the governing council member or something. So, that'd be really interesting.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
I think you're right. I love that hypothesis. I believe that the community would support the community for sure. That's absolutely brilliant. Brilliant, Charles.

HelloFutureBuzz – Charles – Co-host
Yeah, um, I just wanted to also express my excitement for um, not only staking, but especially community nodes because one thing's some of the flack we get as s H-barbarians is, um, you know, oh, it's centralized, there's a bunch of companies running this and that, and you know, um, it'll be a really good look. I remember when I first got, um, when I first founded there, I want to start building, I was like, um, Naruto, I was like, I'm gonna be on the governing council, believe it, and um, you know, and then reality kind of sat in, and um, you know, it's like, um, I'm not a fortune 10 company, right, so um, but you know, community nodes, I think are going to be a huge part of um, the actual decentralization of the network, which is what I'm really excited about, and um, and staking as well, who isn't excited about seven percent uh, APY, I mean, holy cow, I love it, and um, also wanted to ask, um, is it Marc from HashPack, um, if you could give us just some of the deets on how much staking is going through HashPack or anything, any um, statistics on staking.

HashPack Wallet – Marc Ugas – Director of Operations
Yeah, so um, I'm gonna have to pull, if you give me like five minutes, I can definitely get that going, but I saw that there's something around, let me, let me give me give me five minutes and I'll pull some of that information, but it's pretty significant, actually, in terms of the native staking that's something that, um, kind of jolted us in terms of like seeing how many people are using it. And we also a few weeks ago ran a poll to see what were the features that people were enjoying the most and one of the ones that won by far was native staking. Initially, there were some little, you know, things that were happening, people um, who were not getting their rewards, but I think that we've kind of ironed out those bugs. But you know, let me let me look it up right now, um, and I'll have a more concrete answer. I know it's it's pretty significant, so let me just get it. I want to be, I want to make sure that everything fits right.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
Sure, um, Pixel Lands, you were you wanted to say something?

Pixel Land – Bones - Founder
I was going to touch on what Charles was talking about. I think that we've gotten a bad rap for being centralized in the community, people not being able to run nodes, um, and people signing up means we're not a decentralized ledger. And I think as we move to permissionless nodes and community nodes over time, that that's going to help clear up some of that thought. I know we had some people asking for a Christian to go on a, you know, we're decentralized campaign. I think that that would help, but there's definitely some misinformation on us being a centralized ledger, which is totally not true.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
And yeah, I think, um, the year 2023 for me is going to be the year of community, uh, you know, I really believe that, uh, you know, the great experience that Charles and I had in, uh, Hedara and Swirlds headquarters was all about, um, us like enlightening Mance and Leemon to the fact that the community needs, uh, more recognition and just to be lifted up a little bit. And that's why I'm so pleased with the whole Hedera holidays today and having, uh, so many of the foundation members, I mean, tell us how what kind of criteria they need to have when we're, uh, applying for grants and things like that. I think that was great information that Jennifer Kim gave us on the first, uh, banks of the women's, uh, the women's, uh, spaces this morning, and, uh, you know, that was, you know, to just give us a little heads up on what we need to do in order to participate in the grant funding and the community nodes and just being more interactive with the community because network effect is real. You know, there is a strong correlation between the success of the project and the success of the community. Yes, uh, Marc.

HashPack Wallet – Marc Ugas – Director of Operations
Yeah, no, I mean, to your point, I mean, that's one of the things that, um, we're really trying to enable, to kind of get everyone rowing in the same direction, because one of the things that we all identify as projects building on Hedera is that if the pie grows bigger, everyone is better off. You know, community included, obviously. So that's definitely something that that we're really looking at as HashPack. Um, back going back to that question of how much hbar is staked through HashPack, so I don't have a concrete number, but I know that it's over 800 million hbar. So, um, it's definitely something that fluctuates every day, obviously, because there are some people, most people have it at.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
800 million?. Wow, awesome, yeah.

HelloFutureBuzz – Charles – Co-host
I, uh, was, um, you know, being a little too cautious with my Hedera photos. I was like, no, I'm not, no, I love my Ledger, I don't, I don't, you know, um, I was a little scared, but I took the leap and I'm just loving it. So, applaud you on the staking, y'all are doing a great job.

HashPack Wallet – Marc Ugas – Director of Operations
Yeah, no, totally, and we are working with Ledger to see, you know, everyone's like, okay, when, when Ledger integration, right? For staking, um, so we're working with them, seeing what they need from our side to integrate this, because we also understand that, I mean, you know, I keep part of my assets also on Ledger, so, um, that's definitely something that we're looking at, um, and hopefully, you know, it's, I mean, I don't have a timeline or anything, but like, hopefully, it's here sooner rather than later.

HelloFutureBuzz – Charles – Co-host
I have one more question actually. So, um, let's say we do get Ledger integration and the nodes are full. I'm wondering, like, how will you move your staking over to your Ledger if the nodes are full? I mean, I hope we get to the Ledger before the nodes are full, you know what I'm saying, um, but what do you think about that?

HashPack Wallet – Marc Ugas – Director of Operations
So, um, some background, I'm not like extra, I'm not the technical guy in the team, but, um, that's one of the things that I know that both Tyler and Nick and May are looking into and how to really address these edge cases, because as of right now, obviously, I mean, I haven't checked lately, but I don't believe there are any of the nodes completely 100% full yet, right, Brandon? You mentioned, uh, on one of your weekly, um, you know, videos, that you know, if that happens, you know, you can just move your assets, but as with Ledger, we just kind of have to wait and see, um, how that whole thing comes together, but the, you know, our team is looking into it, looking at all the different edge cases, and, you know, but these are the types of questions that we love to hear from the community, because you know, there's always some questions that we might not have looked at, so, but yeah, this is definitely one of them that we are conscious about and how do we make it so we can actually help educate people on the status of the nodes and so on. So, but you know, we have to kind of coordinate with both Swirlds and Ledger on that front.

HBAR Bull – Brandon
Go ahead, yeah, no, I was just curious. I mean, we certainly have a couple of candidates that would be perfect for running those initial trusted nodes with, um, HashPack and, uh, Stader. Here, I worked on, Gautam at one point. Initially, he was like, no, we wouldn't run a node, that's not our business, and then, uh, the next time I talked to him, he was like, oh, well, we might consider it. So, um, I just wanted to ask Berwin, do you, are you thinking about possibly running a community node for Hedera, because, of course, there's going to be, um, the node fee as well, and that could certainly help your business, so what are your thoughts right now or around possibly running a community node?

Stader Labs
Uh, so this is purely out of speculation, I'm not the right guy to say it, but we are, uh, considering how things flow. Uh, we already have two products lined up, which you know about. Um, when it comes to community nodes, I think there'll be a lot of integration that needs to be done at the back end, so I won't be able to give you the right answer, um, but yeah. I remember that Gautam had spoken to you about it. Uh, we were thinking about it at one point in time, but that would be a very helpful step for the community, and that is why we reconsider the decision earlier. We were really against it, but, yes, um, but yeah, for the right answer, I think Gautam would be the right person to say that.

HBAR Bull – Brandon
Sure, yeah, the interesting thing for me around that is, you know, you want to kind of level off a little bit above what the normal staking is, which is at 6.5 right now. Right now, you're at, um, a little bit under 10%. Of course, some of that is being helped out from the Hbar foundation, but if it was, yeah, no fees, that we're giving some extra rewards, it might be something that could be sustainable going forward. So that was why I wasn't really interested in it.

Stader Labs
Exactly, exactly, you're right, you're right, and that is why the decision for even considering that we should become a community node. Hence, uh, he had mentioned that, uh, yeah, definitely.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
Awesome. Well, first of all, I'd like to thank Stader for, uh, hosting and sponsoring this node, uh, this, uh, spaces node, the spaces today, with a contribution, uh, generous contribution to our charity, which helps women and children that have been affected by abuse. So, my heartfelt thanks to Stader for stepping up and being an excellent community member, and we really appreciate your support.

Stader Labs
Always for the community, always for the community, it's it's nothing at all, always there.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
And I also want to thank HashPack, too, because so much of what HashPack has developed has come from the community, and you're always there for us and innovating to make projects available, to make project coins and tokens available from HashPack, and you work so well with all the projects to integrate their dApps into the system. So, thank you very much for being such a great community member.

HashPack Wallet – Marc Ugas – Director of Operations
Thank you so much, yeah. I know, I mean, I'll definitely pass this on to the team. I mean, I just recently joined the team, but all props go to the founding team. I think that, you know, definitely been a lot of hard work, but, like I was saying earlier, we really focus on the community aspect of it. Um, you know, we've been working very hard with everyone in the community. We actually have, you know, technically onboarded over 60 projects, um, from, you know, building in Hedera into our community site, and we're working away with all of them and trying to provide as much value as we can because, at the end of the day, like you know, the it's we think that it's super important, so, so, yeah, no, thank you so much.

HBAR Bull – Brandon
I do have one highest form of praise for um HashPack, so I'm building in the space as well. We have a company called Twigital, but one of the things, while we're building our application, looking at our at our branding and things like that, is back in December of last year when HashPack first came on, um, my partner Jesse Damerow, there's a lot of people that know him in the space, but um, he went and looked at HashPack and he was like, this is really impressive, this is this is the kind of thing that we want, and he brings it up on a regular basis when we're talking about our branding and things like that of you know we want to have that real impact when people look at it, that this is a professional um application that that serious uh going forward, so I just want to give you that that little bit of praise there because he gives it to you on a regular basis.

HashPack Wallet – Marc Ugas – Director of Operations
Thank you so much, and again, I mean again, I mean all credit goes on that phone that front, that's all Jacob. I mean he's really been amazing on that upfront. I mean, I come from uh traditional marketing background as well as you know finance, and really the branding of HashPack that was that really also captured my attention from the very beginning, so, so, yeah, that's definitely something that we were very hard on, as well as um the whole user experience, because we believe that, at the end of the day, if we want to reach that mass adoption, the first step um is the wallet, right? That's the first friction point, and for us, we're tirelessly working to make the user experience as seamless as possible. That's why we introduced the browser, that's why we're working with all these projects, so, so we can basically you know stay ahead of the needs of the community, because normally the projects are you know on that edge of innovation, and we want to, yeah, well, I mean, for us, I don't think once again and the community is everything, and yeah, but thank you so much.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
Oh, thank you, thank you, Marc, and thank you, hbar bull. Um, I want to say hi to King Solomon, who I've been seeing backstage at the red carpet event all day long. So you're taking a break, King Solomon, and joining us on the space before we get together on the red carpet.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
Yeah, 100, I know, awesome, excited to uh participate and be up here for uh Hedera holidays uh fans. I see you've been you've been going pretty much all day, so that's pretty much it's pretty massive. I woke up this morning, I'm like, Elizabeth's already in spaces, it was like 9 A.M. my time, so kudos to everybody that's been hopping off throughout the day.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
So yeah, I got up at four o'clock in Los Angeles, yeah, but I tell you, the co-hosts have been really helping me out. Uh, uh, being sent uh Charles and Lance and H bar Bull and Brandon, and so I, you know, as with everything, I'm not doing anything by myself. Everything that happens in hello future Buzz is supported by the community and as a great help from the community and involving I mean Batty Hattie did so many of the images that are going to be shown in the red carpet, uh, which is the next spaces, and Binx was working with all the people to get their images together and uh, you know, we've just uh, Patches and Binx were working and Lance was working on NFTs, and uh, you know, it's just been a massive effort by the entire community. So I want to thank you Binx and Patches and Lance and Charles and King Solomon and h-bar bull and Stader and HashPack and Pixeland and Brandon and everybody in the community for supporting Hedera holidays and making it a great event. And I'm really looking, I'm really looking forward to the red carpet. We'll have some silly fun, and then of course we'll have the main event at five eastern, uh, with Mance and Leemon. So um, let's get some parting words from Stader because we're going to end this in about five minutes because uh, King Solomon and I have to go get everybody ready for the red carpet. So Stader, uh, would you like to leave the community with some parting words before we end the space?

Stader Labs
Yeah, sure. Thanks, Elizabeth. Um, we would um like to thank each and everyone uh who's been out there supporting us and especially uh throughout this time where even the market was bad, we expected a lot of people to pull out. They still supported us, and they're still there, so hats off to all of you. Uh, thank you for being there and majorly thank you, Elizabeth, uh, for putting all this together for everyone to just come together and just talk and have a good time. Uh, it's the season of giving is the season of coming together, and I think you're just personified it perfectly uh putting all this together, so thank you so much.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
Oh thank you, and I gotta agree with I think it was Lance that said your marketing department is really right on and uh very, very supportive to come on Spaces. They really communicate well and you've got a good team there.

Stader Labs
Thank you so much. That means a lot. Thank you.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
It really is uh that very good. So HashPack, would you like to uh have any parting words before we end the space?

HashPack Wallet – Marc Ugas – Director of Operations
Well, I'd like to start by thanking you. I feel like you know we just kind of met. We just met through through the DMS and so on and uh, but it's it's really incredible um everything that you've put together over the year and also you know with the holidays. So really thank you so much. I think that the value extracted from this and bringing the community together is massive. Um, I'm really looking forward to 2023, I'd like to just take a second here um to notify everyone that, you know, next week we will be doing some things to, you know, to sit similar in the way that, you know, we'll be looking back um to 2022 and see, you know, what are the best things that have happened over the year and you know where we are um where we came from and also where we're going. So, so yeah, with that um, really appreciate it um really looking forward to the main event uh, listening to Leemon and Mance talk, and yeah again thank you so much.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
Thank you so much. Uh, Brandon, H bar bull, do you have anything to part with?

HBAR Bull – Brandon
No, not really too much to add. It's just fun to be involved with this. Both the NFTs that I donated have already sold, so um yeah, it's fun. It's just a great event. I loved being part of it last year and I already have plans for next year for what I want to donate, so yeah, just a great event. Thank you.

HelloFutureBuzz – Elizabeth - Host
That's great, that's great. Well, I'm going to end the space a little early because I have to get my dress on. So we'll see you at the Red Carpet and King Solomon, I'll see you shortly. Thank you, everybody, for coming, and I can't wait for a community nodes to be a reality and to continue our staking in our beautiful Hbar. So we'll end this as we always do with hello future. Thanks for coming, everybody.

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