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Genfinity Spaces with Casper, Hedera, XRPL and more! (Part 2)

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In this spaces hosted by King Solomon and Genfinity, leaders of the Hedera network, Casper, XRP and more chains talk about the necessary steps to break the silos that exist in web3.


Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
Yep, and I will say real quick because we're gonna get Astronova up here. They are one of those projects, deciding to kind of move from from Ethereum, onto their Hashgraph. Before I get to astronaut, I will say if you guys hang around, I think they have a gigantic, giveaway, for you know for their entire ecosystem that they're going to be facilitating within anybody that's here in this Twitter space, but I definitely want to get to Medha real quick before, because to give you a heads up, matter, we've got a couple of people really building out in the v-chain ecosystem from an NFT standpoint, we've got astronova and Hedera Astronova from an NFT standpoint, xrp Cafe, I know I've got vet down there that wants to come up as well, I think that might still be down there, but real quick Medha, like, because I know last time we had, I had a we had a gigantic Twitter space like a month ago, and we had Casper on and I just felt so bad because like there was just so many people on there, can you talk a little bit about the dynamic NFT aspects to travel to track IP management, as well as congratulations to the Casper Network, you guys have your first NFT Marketplace launched, which is Friendly Market, as well as Casper 2.0 Casper punks, maybe give us a little bit of an overview about what I guess first and foremost, Casper 2.0, what that represents and then moving into kind of the NFT aspects.

Casper Labs – Medha Parlikar – Founder & CTO
Yeah, sure, definitely, can talk about that. So Casper 2.0 is going to represent the first major protocol upgrade for Casper, it will include actually a new consensus protocol. We will be upgrading. I'm really proud to announce that. You know the idea was to have 2.0 out here before March, but it's a little bit delayed because of Enterprise engagements and Enterprise feedback, but yeah, you know, 2 and a half years after launching mainnet will be upgrading consensus, it's because of Casper's uh architecture that we can actually have a plugable consensus model. So the new consensus protocol is called Zug, and it's based on Byzantine, it's a Byzantine Fault tolerance protocol, it is a novel protocol that our researchers came up with, and it allows validators to actually process multiple blocks at a time. It'll enable us to reduce the significantly reduce the overhead, and it's this is technical jargon, but basically, it'll allow us to have more validators and process blocks significantly faster, which is great for decentralization and great for Network throughput, so that's one of the core, like, one of the big things that's happening in 2.0, we also will be uplifting our gas model, I'm really excited about that. We've always promised stabilized transaction fees, and we have a new economic model that we'll be releasing with 2.0, the design for that hasn't been published yet, but once it's published, the community will hear about it, we also are going to have some really exciting features in the contract model. One of them is going to be host side NFTs. So, we've recognized that NFTs are here to stay, and based on feedback from the community and from enterprises, they want to be able to mint NFTs at scale, right? And already in Casper, you can create NFT collections of up to a million NFTs, but we want to go further than that. We want to make them a lot more affordable. So, by bringing them native to the Casper VM, we can actually work with the community to set a fixed price for the NFTs and also provide for significantly more throughput. By making them native, it's a fairly challenging thing to have what we call a system contract, you know? Where you know, it's native to the protocol, but it's very, very beneficial for the community, you know. This is one of the reasons why the Casper VM is a bespoke VM based on WebAssembly. The reason it's a bespoke VM versus using the EVM is it allows us to make these kinds of changes, right? It allows us to respond to customer requests and really build the kind of product that enterprises and the community really wants.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
When you say "bespoke virtual machine," can we for the audience down there that might be listening right now, you know, Ethereum virtual machine is spread out amongst multiple ecosystems right now, correct? Tons of tons of ecosystems use EVM, even though they're not natively even necessarily attached to Ethereum or the foundation or anything like that. When you talk about bespoke virtual machine through Casper, what does that mean? Like digging down into kind of just like the basic of the basics within it.

Casper Labs – Medha Parlikar – Founder & CTO
Yeah, I like it. It has a consensus layer. This is how everyone in the network agrees on what's happened in the network. You have an execution layer. This is where whatever transactions you send or computation, right? When you talk about like the smart contracts, this is where they run, that's the virtual machine or the execution layer. And then lastly, you have what we call the communication layer. It's where you know, you talk to the network. This is how you send things to the network, you get responses back. It's blocking. It's how block explorers communicate. Those are the three big buckets from my perspective, really boiling it down. A lot of protocols will just take off the shelf what Ethereum built, which is known as the EVM or Ethereum virtual machine. A lot of newer protocols that came out after 2018 have opted to not use the Ethereum virtual machine but use WebAssembly or Wasm, and even Ethereum is going to move to Wasm. It's part of the Ethereum 3.0 roadmap. There is a desire to move to what they call eWasm or Ethereum Wasm. Solana uses Wasm, Avalanche uses Wasm, Polka Dot uses Wasm. Funnily enough, the guy that created the EVM didn't use the EVM in his old project. Gavin Wood created the EVM. He was the author of the Ethereum white paper or the yellow paper that created the EVM and he didn't use the EVM when he built PolkaDot, so you know, I think that WebAssembly is the new standard and we used WebAssembly as well. And it allowed us to build everything. So there's a base WebAssembly execution, but then how the blockchain functions right, which is like the global database that's part of the blockchain, how that works is something that we built at Casper specifically and we are able to change it based on what customers are asking for. Right, that's where you can get the more flexible and powerful account model. Or we talk about upgradable smart contracts, that's a feature that we built specifically on top of WebAssembly. So, that's what I mean when I talk about a bespoke VM or a bespoke execution context execution, you know thing is, is that yeah.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
And for those of you guys that may be here from the XRP community, I know XRP Cafe and I see Vet down there. We've heard a lot about web hooks. Um, if you're not aware, I mean, web hooks essentially are these kind of web assembly modules that are being designed specifically for the XRPL. And it's great for you to kind of clarify for that Medha as well. I, you know, I'm gonna give, let me see. I've got to get bread up here and Vet up here as well. Kevin, do you mind if I hop you down into listener real quick?

Kevin Cage
Yeah, and I would love to hear more about uh Nucleus Finance and kind of automating, you know, these financial contracts later, if you have time.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
Is that through is that through Casper?

Kevin Cage
Yep, that's what, uh, Rasheed was referencing with Nucleus Finance and Casper.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
Okay, I'm gonna hop you down. Medha, do you want to go over Nucleus Finance real quick, while I kind of get up maybe one or two more speakers? Again, we'll probably wrap this up in about 30, 40 minutes.

Casper Labs – Medha Parlikar – Founder & CTO
So, okay, yeah, totally. So Nucleus Finance is a joint venture between Casper Labs and a company called Ariadne. Ariadne is partially co-founded by a gentleman named Willie Braml, who is part of the Octis Research Foundation. Willie is a researcher and who has asserted that the language of finance is actually mathematics. So if you think, you know, you remember probably back in high school if he ever took an accounting or finance class, or even a basic math class, they talk about how do you calculate the principal or the number of quarters or the number of intervals it takes for you to double your money. Right, so simple, like 12% interest rate, it takes you seven years to double your money if it's compounded every month. Right, or they talk about credit card payments, so it's all mathematics. So if you think of what a mortgage is, it's a formula. If you think about what your car lease is, it's a formula. And so, because it's an algorithm, that's another word for formula, you can then express all of this in code. So the current financial system today doesn't use formulas at all, like it does, but when you think about the way the back systems are, back-end systems, they're using like 20 and 30 year old code. One of the things that's really important to note is enterprises don't actually rip out their systems and replace them. And one of the key posits that the Casper ecosystem makes is that blockchain will be an augmentation to existing infrastructure systems, right? And Enterprises will implement blockchain very incrementally, very slowly, bit by bit. And when it comes to the Smart Financial contracts, this notion of exp. You can express about 95 percent of everything that happens in finance using 32 smart contracts. It really just boils down to 32 smart contracts. And so what we've done is we have actually implemented these 32 smart contracts. You can implement them, they're implemented against the Casper Network in Rust, they're open source and we couple those smart contracts with Ariadne's analytics engine. And so, you know, this actually dovetails into another posit that I have is blockchain is part of a much larger application stack. Right, blockchain isn't a solution by itself, blockchain works with other pieces of technology, it enhances the existing stack, in a very significant way, but it's not a be all and end-all, right? And so, coupled with Ariadne analytics and the smart contracts on Casper, what happens now is financial institutions can get a deep dive into the cash flows that are happening within any single Smart Financial contract. So, you can express it, not as a blob or this black box, right? Right now, they're expressed as a black box. You know, they are, there's a mortgage, it has this interest rate, they make this many payments, but you can't see, you can't do any kind of modeling or predictive modeling because the contracts themselves are not expressed as algorithms today, and they don't have the workflow. Like blockchain is really amazing with workflow, you can see how things go from A to B to C. That's what a blockchain is really good for. And so, if you can imagine your mortgage, right, and going from A to B to C and you can start modeling out how that cash flow changes over time depending on interest rate changes, depending on payments that are being made, and you can not only get more clarity into the cash flows but you can also start thinking about fractionalizing and tokenizing these assets, and you can get a lot more transparency. I would assert that the AIG and 2008 financial crisis would have never happened if there was blockchain, right? If these institutions had implemented blockchain, they would actually, it's funny how we all forget how the banks had to be bailed out, but you know, they wouldn't have had that kind of a fallout if they had actually had transparency into what's happening into their cash flows, and they really don't even today. It's not any better. And so, this is a really exciting area, we are in talks with a lot of large financial institutions that are getting ready to make that leap into not just tokenizing the existing contracts because that doesn't fundamentally solve the problem. You need to express that mortgage as an actual algorithm and you need to express it on chain.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
Wow! Yeah, I mean, thank you so much, and glad that Kevin asked that question. I do want to get astronova up here, just real, not real quick, you know, and talk about kind of the background within the launch of your project. I know I had the opportunity to meet with you guys, you know, a week ago, the team size is pretty ridiculous. It's pretty ridiculous based on what we normally see in this space, also the transition from ETH to Hedera and I think you guys from my understanding have an announcement for anybody that's in this space right now, as far as, maybe something along the lines of one of the deviants or something like that. So yeah, you feel free to come up, guys, I would love to hear you know an overview of what you guys are building, as well as kind of that transition from a network like Ethereum to Hedera. Maybe some of the reasoning around that, and the gaming experience you guys are really trying to develop. And the one thing, as a precursor to this when I talk to these guys, you know, it's always amazing to hear, especially from the gamification standpoint, when you hear about AAA gaming experiences or real gaming experiences when you talk to projects that that are extremely focused about building games for gamers, first and foremost, and then injecting in what, God, who said it before that, I said, can't say web3, Dan, and then injecting in crypto value in a way that makes sense on top of you know an ecosystem that already really works or a game that really works and people want to play, that's kind of the synergy that I got with it, did I do better there Dan, all right, so Astra Nova and Razzle, you guys go ahead man, the floor is yours for a few minutes guys, and I think you guys have an announcement too.

Astra Nova – Faizy Ahmed – Founder
So sure, hey there guys, I'm Faizy Ahmed, I'm the co-founder of astronaut project, first off, thanks, King Solomon, for you know having us here, it's an amazing opportunity, meeting a lot of other panel members, especially a lot of builders of the tech side, really interesting, I learned a lot of things from Medha and Alliance Block, Casper, and all these other wonderful projects building in this space, a really, insightful space over here, now getting back to Astra Nova, what we're doing here is we're trying to build an actual meta RPG game. Now, what do you mean by a meta RPG game, it's basically an MMORPG with web3 features. Now, we're more of the web 2 kind of guys coming in web3, that's the kind of the vibe you're trying to spread here, and you know as you might already know, we are building on Hedera and our aim is to be basically the flagship game on the Hedera network, we're doing everything possible to actually achieve that, thanks to our team, we started this back in 2020, we're still building, we had our MVP, which went down last year towards December, we're undergoing a fundraising round as of now and also a community building process, to our nfts and such, now to one main aspect which King Solomon touched: that is about the onboarding of users and you know the entire gaming gamification process. So, building on Hedera, obviously we're going to be Hedera, HBarbarian, and Maxis. I mean like that, that goes without saying because we're obviously building there and we love the network. That's why we chose uh, that's the main reason why we've been from ETH to Hedera because of all the perks that were there. It's perfect for building a game. It's stable, it's reliable, and like there, there's no downtime. This network has everything what we need. It has corporate backing as well. So, you know, when someone's gonna ask, now think of this completely not from a tech point but think of this as from, a layman's perspective. When they see a project which is building on Hedera, which is a chain which has these major corporates you know governing and owning and doing all those stuff, that's more of a credit for us to build because these are known entities. People from the web 2 space you know, they relate to that much easier than in any other network. That's our take on this and uh, irrespective of that, a game, as I think it was HashPack, which mentioned, kudos to them, they have an amazing product out there. That is, they, you know, a user who's coming in to play the game, they shouldn't know which network it is, what tech it is. It should be a seamless experience. Right? You're trying to break down the silhouettes and it should be, it should be something where, like, they just connect and they play the game. That's all there is to it now, if they want to earn, that's the kind of vibe that we're trying to do. If they want to earn, they can, we're not gating anything like, you know, if you have an NFT, you do have some certain perks, but it's not like you have you need that NFT if you want to play it. If you have it, you aren't, you have some monetization options, but if you don't, you're all good. You can still play the game. You can have fun just like in any other regular free-to-play game. We do have some plenty of community building exercises and NFTs which we're dropping, to kick-start our, we do have some really wonderful detents as well as crypto lovers in our project, which is following us and engaging with us, but we slowly plan to seep into the more gaming audience through several methods, like onboarding famous streamers, like you know, who's already famous in the gaming industry. For instance, we had one from Singapore, his name is Kyrie. He's pretty, famous in the Asian region, and we onboarded him as a brand ambassador. So, in the same way, we have plans to go to each of these main regions and have each of these gamers you know, test drive, you know, in a way where the users don't get to know this is another play to earn kind of thing. They're all Crypto Adverse, "This is going to be more showcased as another game, which is a triple A game. It's a MMORPG, and it has all these. It has a play and earned aspect, but that's only for those guys who want to buy those NFTs and stuff. Otherwise, it's a wonderful game. So, I think my partner, Usher, he has an amazing like a few words which you want to put in, because he's the main game guy in our team. I'm sure you want to take over from here, yeah sure. Thanks Isaac.

Astra Nova – Asher – Game Developer
Hi my name is Asher, nice to meet you guys. So what we are building, just like what Faizy said, was we're building an MMORPG game, ultimately, with web-three features. It's not a short-term project. Our roadmap starts, I mean our game will launch probably two years down the line, and then there are multiple releases planned, every year after that, up to like six seven years. It's a pretty massive project. We already have around 75 people in our team. We have been on this project for the last two years, and as far as I know, my if my next seven to ten years are already defined by this project. Same goes of Isaac. Right now we are on our community building. We're doing a community-building initiative. We have our silver mint passes for our first NFT collection called the deviants. Which are launching by mid-March. Are the silver mint passes are going to be available for mint on the 7th of February. This is basically completely free. 555 mint passes, anyone who holds one of these passes can get to mint a deviant for free. The deviant NFTs are our first NFT collection. There are 10,000 in supply, and they're on the ETH Network. So, asking Solomon told before we migrated from the ETH chain to the Hedera chain, because we found that this is a much better network for us to be in. We love the community, we love the support we're getting from the Hedera and Hashgraph Association and HBAR Foundation and all those guys. But the NFTs, but the deviants were already on the chain, and we already fought some good partnerships over there, so we are continuing to release the deviants on the ETH chain itself. Towards, but these deviants somewhere or we haven't we have a plan where these deviants evolve into Hedera and Hedera NFTs as well. There's an evolution plan somewhere around Q2 Q3 of this year. That's already in the roadmap. There would be each person who holds a deviant NFT, they would be able, they would be eligible to evolve their NFT into a Hedera NFT as well, so they get basically two NFTs, one in the ETH chain and one in the Hedera chain. The one in the Hedera chain will have slight evolution aspects to it. I mean, and those would be game-ready as well. Now, this is in short. I don't want to take a lot of your time, but I do have we do have I mean we do have something like a um, how do I put this, so we have a giveaway. Every member who's listening on this space right now, you can take a screenshot of the space and if you go to our Discord, open a support ticket, and put in your ETH wallet address, you'll be whitelisted. Anyone who's whitelisted gets to mint a silver pass for free, one silver pass for free, second one for 0.0035 ETH, that's like five dollars, maximum of two NFTs per wallet. But the first one is for free, so anyone who's whitelisted gets that. So, if you guys are interested, take a screenshot of this space, go to our Discord, open a support ticket and enter your wallet address.

Astra Nova – Faizy Ahmed – Founder
I mean, I just want to add on to that the reason I don't want to sound like you know we're giving out things for free and stuff, you know, the reason why we're doing this is only for selected spaces, especially where we see a lot of value and also for, you know, because we, because we want to focus on this community building. These are not NFTs like other regular NFTs where they spend a few months and stuff. We spend a lot of time on this, a lot of effort, a lot of money on this, it's been ever since ever we started in 2020. The only reason that we're doing this is because we want to make sure that our community building process is a success, and we want to ensure that we have access to a lot of, we're not getting community members for who can later be potential users for our game. This is the own, this is the main intention behind this. Else, you won't and I mean, we won't be giving anything like this as a free mentor, as a very reduced price. We want to ensure that there's a very low barrier for a community user to enter and be part of our ecosystem. So, as Usher said, guys, just take a screenshot if you guys are there in this space, go head over to our Discord, put your ETH wallet, in the ticket and you're good to go. Your wallet is whitelisted for the mint on seventh.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
Thank you guys so much Astra Nova, that's freaking amazing. And so do, if you've been doing a fantastic job of posting the pen tweets up above. I did one through, kind of for even for Medha, like you know, I always see such, like when we talk about, like NFTs and NFT marketplaces, you know, like if you, I would love to make a contact with the Casper Network, Casper Labs or Casper network with, there's a dude in Hedera patches that has built out Hgraph io, which is a graphql API service, essentially for the network, that now Swirlds even uses, and really just kind of that data querying aspect. It is just streamlining, the ability for devs to start working within the Hedera network and certainly he certainly plans to build out, with other ecosystems as well. And I want to talk about, like UX and UI, I would love if the panelists can stay up here, just because I know it's been so long since I've been able to get to XRP Cafe and Bread Building out on V chain. So, hearing from, especially with like Casper, you know, the first NFT marketplace launching, and the one thing I will say Astra, when you guys mentioned you know that it's the enterprises that are sitting on the governing board of Hedera that gives credence to users coming in, I think that's part of it potentially. But if you've been in Hedera for, you know, I've been in Hedera since 2009, like testnet 2019 or 2020, whenever that was, the past year has been a total shift because of all the real building and builders on the network, and that's the only reason that it's occurred, and I think that's going to occur in all of these other ecosystems as well. It's going to occur on the XRPL, certainly going to occur on Casper. I wanted to give XRP Cafe a huge shout out, which, if you guys aren't aware, there's I think there's probably a handful of NFT marketplaces on the XRP ledger right now. XLS20 was passed probably two or three months ago, two or three months ago, so native XR native NFTs on the ledger, kind of the bigger player is on XRP, or at least we thought the bigger player was on XRP, and now we're seeing some real competition from community-driven builders in the space that are overtaking on XRP, the marketplace and volume as well as just kind of consistently putting UX or user experience first. So I wanted to give you maybe a couple of minutes, XRP Cafe, to talk about what you guys are doing. I did have some questions that I don't know if I can find now, but you put out that market update, you know, open sourcing tools for the community. Cafe, the floor is yours for a couple of minutes, and I'm gonna move to Bread and then we probably have a couple of questions, and we're gonna wrap it up.

XRP Cafe
So, hey, for sure, thank you again, Solomon, for hosting these spaces, but yeah, just to kind of give you like a high-level overview of you know what we're trying to accomplish number one XRP Cafe, a cozy place to buy and sell NFTs. You know our main goal is basically to allow anybody to be able to go on there, purchase an NFT. So for example, I always use this one. I want to be able to give my mom, you know, the website address, go to the cafe, and be able to purchase an NFT within three clicks, without me, you know, holding her hand to do so. And like you said a little bit earlier, yes, we develop open source tools where you know we release them to the community for both projects and community members to use. And you know another main goal that we have is you know to have fun while buying NFTs. We recently won the Wave 4 Grant, you know, to continue building, you know, the XRP cafe, and you know those funds are going to be used very wisely for marketing, paying our devs finally. And you know, just overall driving the development of the cafe. Um, where roughly like you said, three months in development, so we came a little bit late to the party, and you know, we kind of took the market by storm. I think we're ranked number two in terms of marketplaces and volume, and you know, we had a couple first-place days and in terms of volume as well. Um, just in terms of the UX UI, I want to give a huge shout out to Tippy. He's the guy that you know that put it all together and makes it look so beautiful. Um, he really you know, spent a lot of time making sure that the user flow was as easy as possible and everything was at the forefront, rather than you know, having to ask questions and you know, really search to be able to find that NFT filter out NFTs, and you know, list NFTs. And you know, something a little bit different that we do. Um, like you said, Community Driven Marketplace, you know, we do the you know, Twitter spaces, and then we also host Twitch streams, where you know, we try to bring you know, the whole entire Community together, we give away NFTs, and just you know, try to have fun, rather than you know, always be about you know tech tech. So again, within the NFT space as of right now, it's you know mainly about having fun and you know, interacting with people, learning how other chains do things, and just having fun.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
I also think that like the like, as crazy as it may sound, NFTs are a gigantic onboarding event into crypto and web three, and most you know, a lot of people, if you like, it's always, and I don't know if Medha if you've heard something similar, but like, I'm always amazed to hear stories about how people came into web3. Um, I mean my story is really generic, it's like, I bought Bitcoin in late 2016, but now you hear like, I bought like a year and a half ago, I was hearing oh I bought Doge in 2020, or whatever it was, and now like, you hear things like, I bought a Dead Pixels Ghost Club from Hedera in late 2021, and you know, I think all of these things when they start converging together really do represent kind of adoption initiatives, and everybody's story is always so amazingly interesting to hear. Yeah, I wanted to, I wanted to ask real quick because we did have a question for you, Medha. Um, so Adam from, actually from my Patreon, and Sadaf if we have questions down in the chat, let's try to get to some of those questions as well. With Casper staking right now, is there going to be, uh, any sort of a CSV file that is going to be available in the near future, as far as you know, for tax purposes and stuff like that?

Casper Labs – Medha Parlikar – Founder & CTO
Yeah, I understand that, Make Services, the ones that build csv live, fully intends on releasing that feature on the roadmap. Um, I, I will join the ranks, really looking for that. Uh, documentation is going to be really important, uh, for me along with others, so they recognize that there is a need for that offering and they're, they're working on building that.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
Yeah, that's what I thought and you know what I, real quick, because I did not get an opportunity to ask you about this, I've been hearing that there's a new wallet, um, on the horizon for Casper as well, coming very, very, very soon.

Casper Labs – Medha Parlikar – Founder & CTO
There's  a couple, so there's a couple of actually really new, cool wallets that are coming. So, one wallet that's coming is the new Casper wallet that I think that there have been, I think it's in beta right now, um, that's going to bring about a newer and simplified experience. There's a lot of features you want to add into that wallet, right, so, um, one of them being, you know, being able to sign transactions to support multi-signature, right, natively within the wallet, is a really cool and important feature that's in the roadmap. So, you can actually do like multi-signature deploys on the network if you've configured your account to do that. Also, the, you know, the original Casper signer is, is, you know, it was, uh, under-invested in, let's put it that way, so definitely excited about that. We also have mattify, which is a, a really unique, uh, atomic multi-chain wallet, so there's this notion of pay codes, which is like you imagine your Venmo, right, it's, it's Venmo for crypto where you can now have a single pay code where you can receive BTC, ETH, or cspr. So, that is a pretty interesting wallet that's, in Alpha right now, we haven't released beta yet, but I'm working with that company to release that. So, a couple of, you know, some really cool wallet infrastructure that's coming out for the network, really excited about that.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
That's awesome! No, I appreciate you sharing that with us again. If you guys just hopped in, Astra Nova, with the silver deviance pass, you take a screenshot of this and go to their Discord, you will get a totally free mint. Just leave you guys a heads up again. I'm not incentivizing to say that, that's something they wanted to put out in this space, which I thought was really cool. And then, real quick, I mean, we have...uh, not real quick, but we've got Bread. Bread has built out the VeSea Marketplace on V chain, which is if you ever go through like a user experience standpoint. I know Patches, who I mentioned to you earlier about the GraphQL API stuff, which I always give Patches the most ridiculous introductions ever in this space every time we're on a Twitter space. But, but they've been, you know, kind of conversating back and forth and Bread from the V chain Community with VeSea really did like kind of do a full walkthrough with me through the platform, and it's really fantastic. I mean, from a usability, a user engagement standpoint, you start talking about like community, the chat aspects and things like that. So, Brett definitely welcome. I'm sorry for kind of the hour and a half wait time, dude. I try to load these panels out so as many people as possible can get into these, so no apologies. Uh, you're a bunch of fantastic speakers up here, so it's always good to hear different walks of life talking about what they're building. Yeah, dude. Uh, so give us a little bit of an overview, like, because I know, like right now, like I said, like you know, Casper's first NFT Marketplace just launched, extremely recently. So what should that community be looking for or looking towards, and maybe this is even just you know, after you bred. Like, I'd love to hear Patch's opinion and some other opinions on it. Like, what should that community expect as far as like real building for social mechanisms or onboarding or user experience, and because I think you guys have great examples because you've done it, and it's a lot of work. But, I would love to hear your opinion on it.

VeSea Marketplace – Bread - Developer
Yeah, I mean, honestly, it's going to be a lot of broken record stuff. I think we're all as deeply ingrained as we are in in crypto, we forget about all the different pain points there are with basically everything. Like, we put up with so much, frankly. And as much of that as you can to wipe away, like, that's what helps people. Uh, we were fortunate enough to kind of be a one-stop shop for all things, all things NFT, PFP specifically, so that people can come to our place and basically do everything right. Because if you, if you think about what it's like going into an ecosystem, you have all these disparate Dapps that are usually working together and you have to hop into a space and say, 'Okay, where do I go for this? Okay, where do I go for this? Where do I go for this?' And like, you have to try to build this mental mental web of these different resources in your head so that you can be an effective player in an ecosystem. And as many of those as you can wipe away, is best, right? Like you mentioned our messaging, that we have on-chain, like being able to enable that allows for people to not have to like try to interact in the marketplace and then run to Twitter or Discord to do some simple stuff, or maybe even just locating those people on Twitter, Discord so they can facilitate that conversation. Simple things like that, and then on the actual, like, engagement side, just not being afraid to have fun. I think a lot of these places like to be a little stuffy and think through a business and do this stuff, but if you just get out there and really enjoy the actual banter with the community. I know the meme is like the Twitter intern, but if you behave like a Twitter intern, that really ingratiates yourself with the community and shows that you're part of them, and you learn a lot from it too.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
I love that just because of the fact that I have total Synergy and thought process around that, where you have to make yourself uncomfortable in this space to try to grow in this space. Because when you get into discussions with other ecosystems or other community members that are in other ecosystems, what you normally find is that real people exist in all of these ecosystems and they all have the same thought processes that you probably have. They're trying to build real things, they're doing X, Y and Z, but they're just doing them in a different ecosystem. And then creating that Synergy between people, I think, is massively important. Last but not least, we've got Patches, we've got Xerox Poppy up here and orbis 86. And then we're going to wrap this up, guys, right after you. We don't have any rap songs tonight from a live rap artist. We don't have uh, any of the what was that, the we had a song about anxiety a couple of weeks ago, Lost Art. Uh, somebody, somebody sung in real time, um, but we do have uh, patches, orbis 86, and Dan and maybe any other questions we have down there. So, I'll start with Orbus 86 because I think you came up first and then we'll, we'll wrap it up.

Orbis86 – Sonyia - Founder
Thank you Solomon, as always, it's a pleasure being on Spaces with you, know the group of people you bring together. I can see or homies HashPack down there but it was also very enlightening listening to meet her. So, Medha you shout out for what's being built on Casper I agree with you that, when it comes to adopting EVM, it's very easy to just go and take a fork and start building on it and create your own chain. But what needs to happen is obviously, with Ethereum, we have seen struggles with scalability. So, at this time, Ethereum is going through all the different upgrades in order to get to a point where it can be more gas efficient. And I believe that new DLTs that are created, instead of just mimicking something that has a technical debt of over a decade, it definitely makes sense, right? Especially because you're starting with a clean slate, no blocks, and no technical I mean, you know, get rid of the technical debt so you can build something that is fast, efficient, scalable, doesn't have, does have lower gas fees. I would say, and that is one of the reasons why I actually like Hedera. You know, we, I wouldn't say that we are coming over from Ethereum because we are on Ethereum and we are on Hedera. And I know XRP Café, actually on XRP, the NFT Protocol itself is like so new because, last year at NFT NYC, when I was speaking, I met the team at XRP, and at that time they were just giving out the Creator grants, and the protocol was a month or two months away at that time. And I, when I look at some of the improvements that we have seen with NFTs now, I don't know how things are structured on Casper, but one of the, like you know, just coming from different ecosystems and obviously coming from Ethereum, which has the largest volume in terms of NFTs, also resulting in the largest number of frauds. When we were talking about what could we do on Casper, right, like when we are launching a new NFT space. What are some of the things that people could look at? I know someone spoke in terms of bringing the communities together and stuff we've already covered that, but I do want to mention that, you know, one of the things that I loved about Hedera was how the NFT token itself was native to Hedera. So, most 99% of the NFT tokens on Hedera, you literally, they are true tokens, and you know, the way you mint it is you're just literally setting it up in a way that you're minting it out of a wallet, and there's kind of the secure trade that happens, you know, just like with what we do in HashPack wallet. Now, on the flip side, on Ethereum, you have contracts, and because of those smart contracts, a lot of security breaches have happened, and we hear about horror stories. If you guys want to go and look at some of the recent, issues we have seen with all of these frauds, go and look for tweets from NFT God as to how a malware was used to hack into his wallet.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
And consecutively, if you look at even if you look at like MetaMask Isn't the end-all, be-all within user experience or engagement from a wallet standpoint, and D-fire like Crypto as a whole? Like, it's something's got to be better than freaking metamask. Because how many... this this comes down into like all the manipulating like options that you really do have within metamask. Like, whatever the... I mean, if you've really looked into the Ethereum stuff, like no, again, nothing against Ethereum, but you're looking like consensus and the infura stuff and all this stuff. It's like, who am I who have I defaulted to validate towards, and is my... just because you're not using my data for nefarious means doesn't mean that I want you having my data. Like, it's there's so I mean it's it comes down to like usability. Like uh, if you look at like HashPack, like they've tried doing a really good job educating the community around like freeze or wipe aspects things that you can do when you actually do issue something on HTS or whatever it may be but it's just about like you know look, I've said this before, and I think it's really about Ethereum having a seven year head start or eight, you know,  eight your head start or wherever we're at now, but that doesn't mean that networks with higher utility don't have the ability to totally leapfrog and surpass certain aspects within those networks that really are going to kind of pull Lion's share away from that huge liquidity, I would say void... because you even brought it up, Orvis, like how much... how many scams were launched and issued on Ethereum. So, when you hear terms like TVL, total value locked, to me, that's kind of a nonsensical term because it's how much... you know... I would even say like... let's do TVU, total value utilized. Like, does this stuff just go into a black hole if people lose or get scammed or do X Y and Z, and you better believe that's probably a part of that overall metric. So, I think the numbers are very skewed, and I think you know it's awesome to have people like from Medha, from Casper, up here and... talking to you know... people from Hedera on a consistent basis in the XRPL from an accounting standpoint. Like, I think that the XRPL is a very valuable ledger, but I just think it's from an NFT standpoint, like you said. There's a lot of work to be done and that work was done by bootstrapping and really building on the network, and it's the same thing that's occurred on V chain. It's the same thing that we're going to see really occurring on networks like Casper, I think yeah so, it's awesome. I'm sorry to interrupt. Go ahead. I always ramble, more of us. I'm sorry.

Orbis86 – Sonyia - Founder
No, I... I have the habit of rambling too, so... you know... I can't be the one to complete. But I hit the "you hit the nail on its head" right when you mentioned things about just learning right from these different ecosystems. So, for I, obviously have a lot of love for the HashPack team, but yesterday we onboarded one of the so from our Sigma dial from our dial members, we onboarded a person to Hedera because you know we are minting on Hedera, that's where we are going to be launching our first mint. So, we asked all of our Dao members to get the HashPack wallet, and this guy, he is a big LinkedIn influencer with over half a million followers there on LinkedIn. He's not as big on Twitter, but you know, on LinkedIn, getting to a half a million followers and LinkedIn is actually much much harder because LinkedIn bots are lesser. So, this guy comes back and tells us, "We created a couple of onboarding videos for our Dao members. That's how you create your wallet with an email. This is how you create it with the seed phrase. So the advanced wallet creation, and this is how you associate a token." Every video is a minute, a minute and a half wrong. So, this guy who has been in the crypto space for a while now, Corey Warfield, that's his name, so he comes back and says that "has to be the smoothest wallet onboarding experience I've had, and trust me, I have like tens of wallets." Yeah, I was talking to him and I said that "Hey, you're also going to really enjoy watching your NFTs all within the wallet. Easy connection to that, easy way to revoke access, and not being with the Hedera network, especially right, not being airdropped shitty coins and NFTs, that's such a big blessing."

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
Well, and what I love is, is hearing things like that. Like even Kevin said that in a tweet, like responding to HashPack, like a week or two ago, where it was like "HashPack is the smoothest wallet in in Kevin Cage has the smoothest voice in crypto," but he said that "HashPack has the smooth smoothest wallet experience of anything I've used in web3." The point here isn't even to bolster up HashPack or anything like that, because I do agree with that. It's to say that the road map, it's like why operate in style of redundancy if you're building something? There's other people that have probably already built out a wallet or built out a marketplace or build out X Y and Z. It's like why reinvent the wheel from that aspect, just start really figuring out how they've succeeded and what they did to succeed. Within maybe they had a great user experience, or maybe they offered this better than anybody else did, use that model and just keep running with it, and that's really what's going to get this space to scale in a way that we talk about like value versus real value. What are people actually using, that's the boom and bust cycle that we keep seeing. But um, yeah, I'm just, I'm super excited to see these networks grow throughout the next couple of years. Patches, I don't know if you want to lead us out bro, but I'm getting down on my wheels here, and I'll let patches lead us out, but I did want to say, uh, Kevin cage, Dan, Astra Nova, Medha, obviously CTO of Casper, which was fantastic to have you up here. Really providing so much value and education within the Casper ecosystem, bread from Vchain and BC. So, definitely check out VeSea orbus 86, give orbis a follow. Launching some really cool stuff from a dial perspective and does a lot of great spaces on Twitter. XRP Cafe, Community Driven initiative, on the xrpl, which certainly is provided a lot of eyebrow-raising moments for me. Where I'm like, "It's awesome to see these guys just building stuff and just being very organic in the network growth and providing things that people really would want to use." HashPack, Sadoff, myself and Sarah from housing for Genfinity but patches, if you're not aware, I will end this Twitter space with an introduction into patches. Patches has been building in the hedera ecosystem for well over a year, probably 16-18 months at this point in time. Launched Hgraph punks first and foremost, but then transitioned into still has href punks Turtle Moon, which is providing kind of those native DeFi ecosystem utilities that you would want to see on a network, but doing it in fun ways through nfts, but really providing real value. Because he's like, kind of a mad scientist behind the scenes on the back end of all of that. Patches launched hgraph IO, which is a graphql API service for the hedera ecosystem and other ecosystems that really does streamline data querying within networks. Where as a developer, or onboarding into a new network, you don't have to spend four or five hours queering four or five hundred things, you can make it four, five, six queries, and get it done in five minutes. So welcome to the show, patches. And I will let you lead us out. That's your intro though, bro. Did I do good?

TurtleMoon Tools – Patches - Founder
Yeah, you always do good, you know. Yeah, I always appreciate it. Um, yeah, we've been, it's been great interacting with you and you know, becoming a friend over the last year and a half plus. Uh, yeah, and you always put on some great spaces. There's been some awesome speeches. I'm not gonna, yeah, I'm not gonna be too verbose. Love hearing all the conversation, and I think the more cross chain I do, the more I realize how this is really one network. And the stories that are true on you know, like V chain's stories of true, and tezos, are true on Hedera, and beyond. Um, where it's Community Driven development is the one that stays Community Driven. Uh, engagement is the one that actually pushes the networks forward and innovation forward. It's why I'm in web3 It's that interconnectivity that's not controlled by a middleman, but we allow ourselves to be a community that's just much more direct in communication and conversing and having ideas. And I'm just really excited for 2023. I think there's been a ton of work in the bull market, a lot of hype. And what I've been seeing in the bear market is just great builders setting up shop, putting their head down, and pushing networks forward for cross-chain availability, web-to-user adoption, you know, web3 innovation. And it's not, you know, like all that hype all the win has really subsided. So all to say, you know, I'm really pumped about 2023. I'm really excited about what we're doing, uh Turtle moon, what we're doing for Hedera, and what all of these interactions is going to do for users that can engage web3 without needing to know the network without needing to understand the technology because of amazing developers on all these chains working together to build that future dream. So, uh, yep, that's all I have to say. I appreciate you having me on. Uh, anyone have any questions about, Hedera mainnet access to data? You can always just DM me. We're expanding some stuff and making some cool tools, so I would love to chat.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
Awesome guys! Well, hey to all the panelists. Thank you guys so much! We're going to end this here at this one. This one went on a little bit longer than anticipated, and Medha certainly really, really appreciate you coming up today and speaking. And, um, you know, thank you guys so much from all, you know, from the entire Casper team. Uh, love the support and hope to do more of these spaces in the future with you guys. So, see you guys! Thank you! Have a good one! Thanks, everyone! Bye!

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