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Comic Book Universe on Hedera! Orbis86 / King Solomon (Part 2)

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This interview was originally published by Genfinity.

King Solomon interviews Orbis86 as part of the Hedera Corner in the LightHouse by Genfinity! Brought to you by LightHouse Report sponsor Hedera Hashgraph and in collaboration with our partner and Hedera wallet provider HashPack.


Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
100%, and I know that you've touched base a little bit on, some of the educational aspects that Orbis 86 wants to facilitate. And I know, you know, most of us in the space that try to educate, people that might not be, you know, native into crypto, always have a problem where you know you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it, you can't make horse drink, right? So, can you touch base on the educational aspects that you guys are trying to facilitate from, like, a fun and engaging way, because it was something that really interested me when you and I had the chance an opportunity to speak with each other about a week or two ago?

Orbis 86 – Soniya Ahuja - Founder
So, absolutely. So for us, web 3 education, it's not just about learning how to trade, right? Like, web3 is so much more than that. At the moment, when somebody thinks about a career in web 3, they're thinking about, hey, you know, how do I become a Trader, right? Or, you know, a career in web 3 is probably just limited to trading cryptocurrencies and being, I don't know, some sort of a day trader, and you're doing all of these short-term trades. But then we have all of us over here, right? And we are building our communities, or we have Rockstar developers like patches, right? And then we have platforms that are being built that, you know, again, exaltment like, you know, you guys Genfinity has been working on so many things behind the scene. And when we look at Hashgraph, like one of the things is because of the governing council members that are there and all of the things, like web3 in the Hedera ecosystem. I've literally heard from so many different developers, right, like a lot of the projects right from Hedera Sentient on which we are launching to NFT Foundry, all of these folks are developers, right? And even Turtlemoon, yes, a launch pad, right? But at the back, and if you look at what they're doing, they're developing and building tools. Hedera has a lot of developers and the most, and the interesting part though is, you could just, like, you know, if you can code in JavaScript, you can get onboarded to Hedera. So the other day, as I said, you know, I was a Java developer, I haven't really worked extensively on JavaScript, but I wanted to just look at, hey, you know, just verify some wallets and activities and the main net, the mainnet reporting thing was down for a little bit where I tried to actually access it. But after that, I could just use Postman and query those APIs. So it was like so much, you know, it just made the whole onboarding experience so much more simpler that hey, I could, you know, I didn't have to do something super complex, and I could just do it from a Postman. So for folks in the audience, you know, if you want to query some APIs, Postman is a tool, and these are tools that developers across the globe are using today. So Hedera provides for people to use these tools, and if you make it easier for developers to build on it while still keeping things secure, the, for example, King Solomon, you are no stranger to this, but I'm pretty sure you thought about how many people have lost all of their wallet savings on ETH because they signed a malicious smart contract and they were misled into doing that. On Hedera, you can't do that for NFTs because you know 95%+ of the NFTs are just HTS tokens and you're not really signing any smart contract here. So, I was also pretty amazed with the tech out here. Now, sorry, the question was on onboarding and I know I rambled a little bit. I'm sorry, guys. Sometimes, they have a tendency to do it of doing that. But okay, so onboarding  people, a learn the skills that are needed to establish careers in web 3. If they can pay for the learning grade, if they cannot, then be introduced to an ecosystem where they can actually earn what they need to spend on a course for learning. Then, the third step would be for these people. So, somebody coming in and they want to take on a career as a developer, and web3 has introduced new jobs like Community moderators that were not even there like five years back. I just got moderator Community model racer moderators. These weren't real jobs, and they are real jobs now. If somebody wants to do that, they could earn the knowledge, earn the credentials, and then have kicks Marketplace, an onboarding platform where they could go and apply to projects that needed that help. So, they could set up their careers, not just helping people out, not just jobs in web 3, but also a network of interconnected advisors and mentors from different genes. So, this education platform that we're working on, it's not just specific to Hedera. We want to use Hedera as the chain to build us on, but we want the advisor Network, the Mentor Network, to actually comprise of people from all different chains because chains different chains have their pros and cons. They have developer grants so we have folks from IUHK from Cardano, for example, right, who are on The Advisory Board. And then, we have, I have my friend Akarisa that I'm trying to bring on from Near, on Ethereum. King Solomon, as you know, you know, I've the other day when I was connecting you to Valencia, and we have also been in talks with Will and Tricken who is the lead author of erc721 spec to bring him on board as an advisor. So, that's what we want to do. Create this network of people that actually shows that okay all of us web3, we are stronger together, and instead of hating on this on each other's chains right and trying to just bring people from one chain to another chain, we have eight billion people to onboard, right? And that is what we should be targeting. And Hedera actually makes it possible to target those people because their onboarding experience can be super simple like even with HashPack, for example, right. So, HashPack is implemented magic link implementation for onboarding with email, and we have been conducting different polls, and there are so many people in the polls who have responded that honestly, they would love to just have all of these have like, you know, wallets associated with their emails and stuff because they do have a tendency to forget their seed phrases, and there are so many web to people who are like, what is a seed freeze? I'm sorry so that's why the education aspect is important, and Hedera definitely, with the ecosystem, makes that aspect even simpler and better. You know, we want to bring outside people inside, impart the right skills and knowledge, and onboard them in a safe way so they can look at Web 3 as more than a high-risk investment asset. They actually look at Web 3 as the decentralized future, the future that can impact all the lives, you know, on this planet.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
No, I totally agree. I see we have a lot of people down there requesting to speak, or we have um, over this space. I should know um, if you guys are interested to come up to if you want to discuss anything with us from Genfinity’s standpoint, please send us a DM. We try to nail out these, interviews in collaboration with HashPack, in a way where we allow the actual interviewees to have a voice. So today we had Orbis 86, and we also had patches, so it's not kind of like the round table where we start a Twitter space, and you wait an hour and 45 minutes to come up and say one word or we're engagement farming or do any of that crap. So I know that we kind of did get a little bit of a late start today. Orbis, we have five minutes left, and I want you to lead us out within that five minutes. And we pin to the top. So uh, you know, you have a mint coming up soon. If you would like to tell the audience about that mint, what you guys were facilitating, um, that would be fantastic. And thank you guys all for joining, and yeah, Orbis, please go ahead.

Orbis 86 – Soniya Ahuja - Founder
Thank you again, King Solomon. So yes, we on 16. That's like literally three days from now. I can't believe it. Well, you can come to our Discord, engage with us, and discard. What are we trying to do? Utilities, roadmap, a lot of those things aren't discarded. I try to keep a chart on the spaces. As I mentioned earlier, our goal is to onboard a billion people to Web 3 through ART, entertainment, education, and if you're passionate about doing that, then come and join us in this journey. We would love to build with you. If you come to our discard, you will see often the folks who have been allowed listed, for example, right, and our DAO members, often in that discard, we are jamming and vibing, and we're talking about how do we get XYZ done. So we really value what our community members think and what they do, and that was one of the reasons why we actually started our mint on Hedera. So we have not moved over from Ethereum. Many times we will ask me that question. We are actually going to be minting on Hedera, as well as on Ethereum, and the Ethereum mint, we pushed it to a little later because we felt like the quality of and the quality of supporters and the quality of builders in Hedera is actually much better versus on Ethereum. The NFT market right now, you get a lot of flippers, but everybody is minting on Hedera. When we went on Ethereum, on one of the collections that we went on a term, everybody would be able to claim a free mint, out there, but then besides that, when someone comes and mints with us, we do have a plethora of NFTs. Because we have the music NFTs that people will be able to claim, and also 12 comic books that we would be releasing over a period of the next few months. And those comic books, there would be an exclusive director's Edition that gets airdrop as an NFT. It's a director's edition. We obviously will have a regular edition. And the idea is that as we go to Comic Cons and stuff, that's where we onboard people to do that. But besides this, we are also going to have an in-ecosystem reward system. So through those reward system, you can redeem the rewards for merchandise and for getting your NFTs upgraded. So, we'd be the first project to be working with the upgradable NFTs, and we are doing that through hosting metadata off-chain. But we'll be hosting the artwork on-chain as well as off-chain, because sometimes IPs goes down, so you know we want both of that. And then people will be able to use the reward points to upgrade their NFTs, mint new NFTs in the ecosystem. And then when we launch the game, they'll also be able to use those reward points in the game. And when we launch the education platform, they'll be able to use these reward points to enroll in the various courses and learn from the education platform as well. So, that's what we're trying to create, an ecosystem where we can onboard people and where with our community. I mean, onboarding a billion people, it's not going to happen by ourselves. Like, so far, just coming over from Ethereum to Hedera, right? We have onboarded probably like 50 to 100 people to Hedera. That's what we have done so far. So the billion people thing, if we are doing it by ourselves, that's not going to happen. So what we're looking for are community members who are passionate about the same course to come and join us, because together we are stronger. And together we could create that triple effect where we are touching all of these lives. So yes, so you know, come join at this card, ask us more questions, and again, King Solomon, thank you very much for um, for giving us the space to come and chat about our project.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
No, thank you guys both so much, and hey, feel free, feel free to leverage the Hashentines event or anything else and say, "Hey, we participated in Genfinity's event. There was around 10,000 people that viewed in." So I don't think it's 100 people that you guys have onboard. I think it's probably much, much more, just like everybody else. So really, really appreciate you guys joining today. Again, if you're in Hedera and the Hedera community or a project launching on Hedera and you want to participate in one of these kind of uniquely driven interview sessions that we're doing on Mondays, please DM HashPack. Please DM Genfinity if you have any questions. For Genfinity, please feel free to DM us as well. Always recommend any of the audience down there that's listening to give a follow to the projects to, you know, stay on top of what these projects are facilitating. I certainly recommend giving a follow to Orbis 86, joining the Discord, asking questions. Certainly recommend giving a follow to Patches, joining the Turtle Moon, the Hgraph punks communities, asking questions. And thank you guys so much for joining today. Thank you guys both for participating in hashing times as well. I think it was pretty massive, and looking forward to the mint. And shout out to Batty Hattie. Again, down there, I know you're minting today, and you two, Orbis, over the next couple. Actually, I think it's Saturday, right? Orbis?

Orbis 86 – Soniya Ahuja - Founder
Saturday for public, Thursday for the allow list, Saturday.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
Well, hey, congrats guys. I mean, and I invited both you guys to come up on Wednesday as well, if you guys are free. I know that there were potentially some allowless out there that you sent me in a DM. I would love to just give those out to the community if possible, so I will talk to you guys when I talk to you. Thank you so much everybody. Thanks Orbis, thanks Patches, and we'll talk to you next time. See you guys.

Orbis 86 – Soniya Ahuja - Founder
Thank you guys. Hey, we are going to be starting our space shortly after this. And, King Solomon, I wanted to also take a quick moment to shower a lot of love to folks down there in the audience. I know Tackle Philip, Glassy down there, they're joining us from our Sigma Dao. And again, people who came over from Ethereum to Hedera and absolutely fell in love with the community here. And I want to throw flowers that folks like metavision and Brandon and Creamies Sophie out there, Foundries there. I see driage bar, Michelle, a lot of cool folks down there. And I'm sorry guys if I haven't taken everyone's name, but I want to thank you all. Like metavision, every other day, you know, I'll get a text saying, 'You are great, love you, keep building.' And for founders, you know, it's amazing to do that. And then also, another kind soul down there, Wessie, an artist coming into the space and she's learning about the hierarchical system in our next space that we're just about to start after this. She's going to be opening the song with. She actually made a song about Hero and HBar. So guys, you know, come and listen to that. She's an amazing artist. And again, King Solomon, thank you so much for having us here, and patches thank you so much for working on some of the cooler things on Hedera because you know I know your contributions to the NFT ecosystem in Hedera, um, they don't, I don't know how often they get spoken about but, uh, however often they get spoken about it's it, I don't think it's enough, so thank you again for building this platform manager where folks like us could come and build on.

Genfinity – King Solomon – Founder & CEO
Thank you guys all so much. Hey, we're gonna end this, we do have a hard stop but really appreciate you Orbis. Apologies to Taco for not getting you up here,  again we're trying to nail these in and make sure that the speakers have, and I would love next time we do one of these orbits make sure I know if we want to invite a couple other people up, we definitely will, and thank you guys all so much for joining. We really do appreciate it. We'll talk to you guys.

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